
March 18, 2012

Tin miners have success in the can

STAND by for a re-ranking of Australia's tin hopefuls. Peruvian mining giant Minsur recently put together a list of the world's top tin resources, China being No 1 with 60…

March 18, 2012

RUSAL threatens to sue in chairman row

RUSAL, the world's No.1 aluminium producer, said comments by former chairman Viktor Vekselberg had damaged its reputation and shareholder value, and threatened unspecified legal action.

March 18, 2012

Rio Tinto still bullish on China growth

Mr Tom Albanese CEO of Rio Tinto as saying that company has shrugged off concerns about a slow down in Chinese demand for commodities, reiterating its faith in the Asian…

March 18, 2012

Thai company to explore for coal in Laos

The government of Laos has given the green light to a Thai company to conduct coal prospecting and exploration on an area of 36.7 square kilometres in Nakheng and Namon…

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