April 25, 2012
Four victims found dead after coal mine landslide
Four of five missing people who were buried under a landslide in northern Thai Nguyen Province's Dai Tu District were found yesterday after a nine-day search.
April 25, 2012
Four of five missing people who were buried under a landslide in northern Thai Nguyen Province's Dai Tu District were found yesterday after a nine-day search.
April 24, 2012
Coking coal prices are set to rebound as early as July from four straight quarterly declines as China and India seek raw material overseas to fire new steel production in…
April 24, 2012
Mongolia might choose to go it alone on the development of the western block of its giant Tavan Tolgoi coal mine after struggling for years to find the right investors,…
April 24, 2012
Planetary Resources took the wrapper off the new company that plans to mine asteroids, and the company has half a road map on how to get precious metals out of…
April 24, 2012
A senior trader in the red metal says “the miners are all lying” about the chances of their projects actually coming on stream.
April 24, 2012
Vivian Krause, a Vancouver blogger who has been digging into the finances of green groups, takes a hard look at the finances of Suzuki Foundation and draws linkages to foundations…
April 24, 2012
"Global economic markets have shifted to a period of significant uncertainty and we continue to see both a sustained upward pressure on costs and long timeframes for regulatory approvals."
April 24, 2012
When planning an expansion at the largest open pit mine in Quebec, thinking big is important.
April 24, 2012
CST Mining is selling its 70% stake in the Mina Justa copper project in Peru for US$505 million.
April 24, 2012
11 countries bought just under 58 tonnes of gold in March. That compares to combined purchases of 439.7 tonnes by the world's central banks last year. That already was an…
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