reported on how opponents and proponents of hydraulic fracturing were using videos and infographics to argue their case. Now a London jeweler, Ingle and Rhode, is taking on the Kimberely Process and using an infographic to explain why, according to the company, that the standard is not up to snuff.
The Vancouver company earned a profit of $26.4 million on $133.5 million in revenues for the year, up 145%, after drilling an astonishing 585,900 meters for minerals and a further 444,400 meters for energy last year.
Overall, only the stock indices of Spain and Portugal's top companies fared worse than Toronto's S&P/TSX-60. But in the group of resource-heavy exporting countries Canada's stock market came in stone last.
Caterpillar has gotten a lot of juice out of overseas sales, and China’s been a growing market for the company. So anything undermining that is a concern for investors.
Premier Gold Mines (TSX:PG) has taken the Cove Gold Project off the hands of Victoria Gold Corp. (TSX-V:VIT) for US$28 million in cash and stock and another $20 million in future gold production.
Mining technology provider Maptek will release Vulcan 64-bit to global mining customers during April. The launch kicked off at Expomin in Santiago, Chile this week.
Widely circulated reports that the 88-year old were fighting for his life in a Singapore hospital were deemed to be "lies meant to destabilise Zimbabwe," according to a spokesman.