Two business partners have fallen out over attempts to dig up about 60 pristine Spitfires that were put in storage and buried in Myanmar after World War II. Each is worth an estimated $2 million.
General Electric (NYSE: GE) announced it is pursuing acquisitions of two underground mining equipment manufacturers in support of the global expansion of its mining business.
For thousands of years, silver has been used at the table, on the battlefield and even in healthcare. Today, the uses of silver for its healing and preventative properties are growing and analysts wonder what this renewed demand for the graphite metal will mean for the silver market.
Pan American Silver Corp. (TSX: PAAS, NASDAQ: PAA.T) first-quarter profit fell 46% as the costs of acquiring a Mexican gold and silver operation covered a revenue increase.
Magnetically sensitive sharks don't like samarium, neodymium, and praseodymium, according to a report by BBC on a company that is experimenting with rare earth elements to protect swimmers from getting bit.
Over the past decade, mining investment in Latin America has more than doubled, even after experiencing a sharp drop in 2009. According to a report by the Metals Economic Group, Latin America is now the primary destination for mining exploration investment in the world, with 25% of total investment going to Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Argentina.
The latest rant against Canada’s federal government’s borrowing practices has gone viral and not because it comes from a well-know economist, but because it is exposed by a well articulated and not camera-shy 12-year-old girl.