Analysts believe Cowal mine may be worth at least $400 million, and that Barrick would likely get as much as $1.1 billion from the sale of both, the New South Wales' mine and Papua New Guinea’s Porgera.
The planned cuts, about 21% of Murray’s workforce, will come largely at mines in Ohio and West Virginia, a state hit hard by recent coal mine closures and layoffs.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission concluded BHP did violate a U.S. anti-corruption law by paying for officials and their families to attend the Games.
The increasing engagement of Latin America with Asia may potentially be at the expense of Australia’s traditional sense of right to be a major Asian player, expert says.
A doubling of mill processing capacity at the CSH Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia is credited for a 51 percent increase in gold production at China Gold International Resources Corp. (TSX:CGG) in the first quarter.