March 25, 2015
Australia’s regulator goes after Fortescue for demanding iron ore output cap
The competition watchdog did not welcome chairman Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest call for rivals Rio, BHP and Vale to agree to cap production.
March 25, 2015
The competition watchdog did not welcome chairman Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest call for rivals Rio, BHP and Vale to agree to cap production.
March 24, 2015
Investment bank cuts 2015 nickel price forecast by 19%, while copper price estimate is slashed as market moves into oversupply.
March 24, 2015
They'll hand back more than 175,000 hectares of prime conservation land they have held since 1971 to West Australia, ditching plans to build a bauxite mine and an alumina refinery…
March 24, 2015
The move may be the first of many more competitive deals by producers in the potash market, which has historically operated with large joint ventures controlling prices.
March 23, 2015
Zijn's main interest in Ivanhoe seems to be the Kamoa copper project.
March 20, 2015
Coal mine fatalities in China dropped almost 87% to 931 last year from more than 7,000 casualties registered in the sector in 2002, according to official figures recently disclosed.
March 20, 2015
China and Russia have taken the lead in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), seen as a rival organisation to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, which…
March 18, 2015
ANZ predicts that as incomes rise across Asia, particularly in China and India, so will the appetite for gold rings and necklaces.
March 18, 2015
Thursday will be the last time traders at four banks agree by phone twice-daily prices for bullion.
March 18, 2015
The move comes amid an ongoing collapse in commodity prices.
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