February 2, 2017
Coal use in Europe on its way out — report
Coal generation in Europe is falling and will continue to do so due to competition from cleaner energy sources and governments efforts to cut emissions, a study by The Economist…
February 2, 2017
Coal generation in Europe is falling and will continue to do so due to competition from cleaner energy sources and governments efforts to cut emissions, a study by The Economist…
February 1, 2017
Private equity firm Orion selling $1 billion worth of royalty, streaming and offtake assets covering gold, silver, base metals and diamonds.
January 30, 2017
Government is considering to extend the miner a temporary permit, valid for up to six months, which would pave the way for Freeport to resume exports from Grasberg.
January 26, 2017
Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX:LAC) announced major financings including private placements for an aggregate $106.5 million that highlights the serious interest in the lithium space, particularly from China, as it seeks…
January 26, 2017
Study shows global surplus of gold jumped to highest since 2005 at the end of last year while worldwide jewellery fabrication is back at 1988 levels.
January 25, 2017
International Lithium Corp. announces that Kirill Klip, the President of ILC, has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, such that he will act as the CEO,…
January 25, 2017
Steel the US has traditionally exported to TPP countries is high in value–added, which is exactly the kind of product that helps keeping the high-cost local steelmaking business afloat, analysts…
January 24, 2017
But at 6.8% in the fourth quarter China's economy "is now expanding faster than is sustainable" says new report.
January 24, 2017
The world's top diamond producer sold $720 million of rough gems at its January offering as retailers restocked after the holidays.
January 24, 2017
The world’s second-largest miner has agreed to sell its Coal & Allied Industries Ltd. subsidiary to Yancoal Australia Ltd., controlled by China's Yanzhou Coal Mining.
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