Oil was trading higher Friday morning driven, in part, by TransCanada Corp's (TSX, NYSE:TRP) announcement yesterday that it was temporarily shutting down its existing Keystone pipeline after tests showed possible safety issues.
Canadian Harry Winston Diamond Corp. (TSX:HW, NYSE:HWD) has confirmed it has received "various indications of interest" about the potential purchase of its luxury retail business.
ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steel producer, is considering to sale a stake in its $10 billion Canadian iron ore business, in an attempt to weather the slump in its key commodity, reports FT.
The Chinese coal mining companies that are staring business in B.C., Canada, have been accused of favouring Chinese applicants to fill available positions, as they have posted ads looking for workers who speak Mandarin, not a language spoken by most Canadians.
Virginia-based SNL Financial announced Wednesday the acquisition of Halifax, Nova Scotia-based Metals Economics Group (MEG), provider of global mining industry information and analysis.
A loan rejection to the last asbestos miner in the country followed by Canada’s federal government’s announcement that it wouldn’t oppose to list Chrysotile —the type of asbestos found in Quebec — as a hazardous substance, are the latest signs of the country shelving one of the most polemic mining products once and for all.
Mexico is the most energy secure nation among the world's 25 biggest energy consumers, reported the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in a recent study of the largest energy-consuming countries.
Potash Corp. (TSX, NYSE:POT), Canada's largest fertilizer producer, said Wednesday it was revising its outlook because of delays in reaching contracts with commodity buyers in India and China.
BHP Billiton (ASX,LON,NYSE:BHP), the world’s biggest miner by market value, posted Wednesday a weaker than expected September quarter from its West Australian iron ore mines as the company’s work on expansion plans affected production figures.