The 50/50 joint venture, momentarily named Project Corridor, is expected to help slash development costs as metal prices have dropped to multiyear lows.
Although the strategy will completely phase out coal emissions in Alberta by 2030, the timeframe provides power operators the opportunity to transition away from coal toward renewable fuel sources.
Its project would sit on top of the Gramalote deposit, a joint venture between AngloGold Ashanti and B2Gold that could become one of the first modern commercial scale gold mines in Colombia.
The measures to address climate change include a carbon tax aimed at individual Albertans, phasing out coal-powered power plants, reducing methane emissions and placing a cap on emissions from the oilsands.
The EIA says China and India are to blame, as imports from both nations — which from 2008 to 2013 accounted for 98% of the increase in world coal trade —are on their way down.