October 6, 2017
Top iron ore exporter sees price dipping below $50 a tonne by 2019
Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science sees iron ore prices averaging $50 a tonne next year, and dropping to $49 a tonne in 2019.
October 6, 2017
Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science sees iron ore prices averaging $50 a tonne next year, and dropping to $49 a tonne in 2019.
October 5, 2017
Lawsuit was filed last year after the miner halted payments due to a local group.
October 5, 2017
Overall, September iron ore shipments from the world's biggest export terminal for the steelmaking raw material increased to 43.4 million tonnes from 42.8 million in August.
October 4, 2017
Mining ihas been one of the last sectors to use a surge in computer processing power, cloud data storage and complex algorithms to make sense of huge amounts of scattered…
October 3, 2017
India's Adani Enterprises Ltd aims to tie-up financing for its Carmichael coal mine project in Australia by March 2018, a senior company executive told Reuters, adding it would look to…
October 2, 2017
AECOM’s Technical Director Maneesh Gupta joins the roster of speakers that will present at the 2017 International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC)
October 2, 2017
A global energy transition is underway, with lithium-ion as one of the leading energy storage technologies for both handheld technology and electric cars.
October 2, 2017
Staff sitting hundreds of km away oversaw successful pilot run.
September 28, 2017
Great Wall will be involved in what seems to be the first direct investment in a lithium supplier by an automaker.
September 28, 2017
Mapping of the area has shown presence of pegmatite outcrops over a strike length of 340m, up to 100m wide, with surrounding areas masked by glacial cover.
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