About 90% of China’s rare earth producers are currently operating at a loss as prices for the coveted elements continue to drop due to a global glut and illegal mining.
With record production of 10.564 million barrels per day in June 2015, Saudi Arabia has been one of the major driving forces behind the current oil price slump.
In an interview broadcast Sunday, President Obama acknowledged that Iran would benefit economically from the nuclear weapons agreement that his administration negotiated with Tehran, but contended that it would not be a “game-changer.”
While analysts keep trying to answer the burning question of how much gold China really has, the most recent theory indicates that it's at least 9,500 tonnes.
His comments follow this week's decision by the federal court of Australia to overturn government approval for the construction of one of the biggest coal mines in the world.
China's 600 tonnes in 6 years disappointed, but latest central bank data shows Russia again adding to its hoard as it diversifies away from the US dollar.