Sanctions against Mali's military junta were lifted on Sunday after the country's coup leaders agreed to step aside, allowing a provisional authority to organize elections within 40 days.
"Resources groups and the bankers who promote them merit close scrutiny since minerals have been linked in the past with financial scandals and market manipulation, from the nickel bubble that captivated the City in the 1960s and ended in the Poseidon crash, to the Hunt brothers’ cornering of the silver market in 1980."
Zimbabwe's Black Empowerment Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere, announced today it has taken majority ownership of foreign-owned mining firms, which had not already given a controlling stake to black Zimbabweans.
Could Sierra Leone, the African nation whose decade-long civil war funded by booty from diamond mines bore the term "blood diamonds," be going legit. when it comes to the mining of diamonds?