In a scathing new BBC documentary that includes the first ever television interview with CEO Ivan Glasenberg, commodities trader Glencore is accused of allowing dumping of acid into streams, child labour and deadly underground working conditions at its copper-cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Harmony Gold briefly dropped to a year low of $9.68 on Friday after the company announced a steep fall-off in output for the first quarter. Now worth $4.4 billion the counter is down a third in a year, but its Papua New Guinea project may be worth that by itself.
The decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone brought two unforgettable images to the West: victims of violence whose limbs were hacked off by armed rebels as a warning to civilians; and the term "blood diamonds," referring to the diamonds plucked by hand from alluvial deposits that were smuggled out of the country and used by both sides of the warring factions to fund their vicious campaigns.
Output from the resources industry in the African nation is now the lowest since 1961, the year South Africa left the British Commonwealth and declared itself a republic reported on how opponents and proponents of hydraulic fracturing were using videos and infographics to argue their case. Now a London jeweler, Ingle and Rhode, is taking on the Kimberely Process and using an infographic to explain why, according to the company, that the standard is not up to snuff.
Widely circulated reports that the 88-year old were fighting for his life in a Singapore hospital were deemed to be "lies meant to destabilise Zimbabwe," according to a spokesman.