ICMM steps up game for miners with membership requirements update
Last updated in 2003, the fresh set of principles respond to increased pressure for miners to carry out socially-responsible investments and operations.
In 2014, nine out of top 10 gold producers achieved significant reductions in all-in sustaining production costs, but average cash margin fell victim to bearish gold price.
Iron ore fell to a new 7-year low on Tuesday, but Guinea is pressing ahead with the auction of north Simandou, the richest undeveloped deposit in the world.
The gem, discovered a decade ago at one of De Beers mines in South Africa, is one of just five diamonds over 100 carats and of comparable quality to have been offered at an auction.
Freddy Bonjour, covered in yellow dust from head to toe, stands exhausted after a day using his bare hands and a shovel to dig for gold in eastern Central African Republic.