Recruitment company ready to profit from filling skills shortage in mining

Specialist recruiter, InTalent Group, is set to fill the critical skills shortage gap for the Australian mining, infrastructure and oil and gas sectors with highly skilled engineers sourced from India and the subcontinent.

InTalent, which was founded in April 2011 was developed to fill this very niche gap in the market, where the supply of skilled engineers in the fast growing mining industry has been exhausted in Australia and traditional avenues for international labour sourcing such as UK, Canada and Ireland.

The fully integrated Australian/Indian joint venture of stakeholders from both Australia and India, with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Chennai India. Its key focus is the recruitment of high quality, experienced Indian engineers to work in Australia. In its first year of business the company has had great success for Rio Tinto, coordinating a five-week roadshow, which yielded 10 senior mining Engineers.

The InTalent team has extensive experience in recruiting engineers as well as significant relocation and cross-cultural expertise and is currently the only company in Australia to be providing a very real and proven solution to what is a potentially huge problem that could threaten economic growth in Australia.

Cameron Rudolph, Sales and Marketing Director and one of the founders of InTalent Group says: “The situation in Australia is pretty critical. There are an estimated $490 billion worth of imminent projects in the pipeline and Australia simply doesn’t have the required engineers to see these projects through, so the current skills shortage is only going to get worse without bringing in overseas talent”.

“India has a very large mining industry with highly skilled engineers and is an untapped talent pool compared to the over-fished existing markets of Europe and USA/Canada”, says Rudolph. “It provides a proven solution to the ever-increasing skills shortage in Australia. Indian engineers have experience on major projects in India and many are currently working on large projects in South East Asia and the Middle East”.

With a massive population India graduates approximately 1 million English-speaking engineers every year and Tamil Nadu (the province in which InTalentʼs offices are located) has over 500 Engineering colleges and universities with over 150,000 engineering graduates each year.

InTalent only recruits engineers who have graduated from the colleges and universities with the best reputations for providing high quality students who have gone on to gain valuable international experience with reputable companies.

InTalent Group not only sources candidates, it also sees through the whole recruitment, and relocation process using companies such as KPMG in India and Global Adjustments to ensure that all necessary police checks, qualification verification and references are carried out, all papers and medical checks are collated for the 457 visa and that candidates are given ongoing assistance through an Immersion Program to help with their integration into Australia.

Specialist recruitment can be a very time-consuming, costly and difficult exercise when undertaken solely by in-house human resource departments – especially when overseas talent is needed.

With its knowledge of both markets, InTalent Group provides an effective, proven and successful way to quickly (over 6-8 weeks) source much-needed engineers from India, helping to sustain and develop the mining industry in Australia and taking the pressure off the mining companies, so that they can employ their time and resources to other areas of the business.