Reading, writing and LNG: B.C. education to be retooled for job skills

The British Columbia government is re-tooling both K-12 and post-secondary education for a yet-to-be-established liquefied natural gas industry.

The strategy, called the B.C. Skills for Jobs Blueprint, doesn’t come with any extra money for either level of education. Instead, more than $160 million will be allocated this year towards training students to meet labour market demands.

Under the plan, elementary school students will be introduced to hands-on learning earlier; education and training will retooled to “better match in-demand jobs;” and partnerships will be formed with industry and unions to deliver training and apprenticeships.

The province forecasts that an LNG industry would create 100,000 direct and indirect jobs if five LNG plants were to be built between 2015 and 2024. While several potential LNG proponents have applied to the National Energy Board for export permits, none have made a final investment decision.