Rare earth metals: fad or phenomenon? Technology metals expert Jack Lifton speaking in Winnipeg

The Winnipeg office of Union Securities Ltd. is hosting a special presentation on technology metals by the man who coined the term “Rare Earth Metals” four years ago. Jack Lifton, a 48-year veteran of the mining industry, Founding Principal of Technology Metals Research LLC, and a leading adviser to the high tech industry and the global institutional-investment community, will be speaking at the Winnipeg Free Press News Café, 237 McDermot Avenue on Saturday, June 11 at 9 a.m.

Technology metals, sometimes referred to as rare earth metals, are the generally rare metals that are essential to produce high tech devices including computers, DVD players, lasers, the generation of electricity through solar panels and wind turbines, sophisticated medical equipment such as CAT and MRI devices, and advanced weapons systems and platforms for defence systems. Companies that produce technology metals are currently among the hottest stocks on the market.

The event will also include presentations by two technology metal resource companies, Medallion Resources which currently is exploring two rare earth properties in North America, and Avalon Rare Metals, a Toronto based mineral exploration and development company, whose primary asset is the Nechalacho Rare Earth Element Deposit in the Northwest Territories.