Putin’s plan for world dominance: oppose hydraulic fracturing

At a news conference in early November, Overheard reports that Vladimir Putin became quite critical of hydraulic fracturing claiming that the practice causes too much damage to the environment.

Reporters noted that the criticism was lengthy and out place, and the current prime minister and presidential aspirant may have been protesting too much:

The Russian leader said fracking’s bad effect on the landscape of the U.S.’s east coast could be seen by flying over the area in a helicopter – strange, because concerns about fracking mostly center on its impact on the water supply.

Why the interest in fracking? Perhaps Mr. Putin is genuinely concerned for the U.S. environment. Or perhaps he is worried about the impact of surging shale gas supply will have on state-owned gas giant Gazprom.

Read the full story here.

If this is really what is going on, does that mean Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo is a Russian spy?