Premier Christy Clark to visit town near Mount Polley

Premier Christy Clark will make her first visit to Likely, BC, today, the town effected by the Mount Polley tailings pond breach.

The premier is set to speak to the media in the afternoon.

The town is under a water ban. Tests on the water are expected to be released today.

Clark has been criticized for not visiting the site sooner. The mines minister Bill Bennett has been on site addressing media and the public.

The visit could be politically tricky for a premier who has been championing the resource sector writes Michael Smyth in the Province:

But know this: Christy Clark would be marching down the streets of Likely beating a bass drum right now if it was in her political interest.

Remember the 2011 Stanley Cup riot? The day after the turmoil, Clark toured the downtown wreckage and vowed to bring the evil-doers to justice.

She didn’t mind being a distraction back then. Why? Because Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson was the one catching heat for being unprepared for an entirely predictable riot.

The bottom line: If you can score political points, milk it to the max. If there’s a political risk, keep your head down.

It has been three days since the tailings dam broke.

Image by kris krüg
