Man passes 1.7 carat diamond

A 52-year-old man that was being detained in a dry cell at a police station in Windsor, Ont., while they were waiting for him to give up a $20,000 diamond he is accused of swallowing last week, has finally passed the stone.

Richard Mackenzie Matthews, who is reportedly co-operating with officials, tried to swap the 1.7-carat diamond with a fake while at Precision Jewellers. Matthews, who has prior convictions, walked into the store and tried to make the switch but was caught by staff and detained until the police arrived.

The man has been x-rayed but results are inconclusive since diamonds are translucent. Matthews was detained in a dry cell and had agreed to eat food that would hurry up bowel movements.

“This particular cell does not have any running water, toilet or sink and that is so when we require information that may suggest somebody who has come into our custody has injested some product or evidence or contraband, which is not unusual in this business, we put them in this cell and hold them there until we have the opportunity to recover any evidence they may have injested,” said Windsor Police Deputy Chief Jerome Brannigan in an interview with the Windsor Star.

Liz Dick, the store employee who caught Matthews, said the retrieved diamond should be “perfectly fine” and would most likely maintain its value. She also told the newspaper she she believed people would seek out the stone for its amusing story.