Pipeline to West Coast will be tough to stop

The Calgary Herald reports the debate over a controversial BC pipeline and port project to ship Alberta crude oil to Asian markets escalated recently with Canada’s politicians and business leaders advancing new support for the initiative.

Both federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives gave strong backing to the Northern Gateway Project with Oliver calling the pipeline in the national interest.

Slowing demand in the US is also adding to pressure for a go-ahead on the mega pipeline project that will stretch for more than 1,100km to a new port facility at Kitimat, northern BC and will cost $5.5 billion.

Accessing Asian markets (Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan and Singapore) would ensure world prices for Western Canada’s oil. The Calgary Herald reports some 225 tankers annually would transport the Alberta crude to markets across the Pacific.

MINING.com reported at the end of June how US President Obama has been forced to make a decision on another pipeline vital to Alberta’s oil sands industry.