Peruvian miners rescued this morning

The nine miners trapped in a high altitude underground copper mine in Peru since last Thursday are well and with their families, after they were freed this morning (12:00 GMT).

Peru’s president, Ollanta Humala, spent the night on the site, located in the southern part of the country, overseeing the operations and waiting for the miners to be rescued.

The workers, who spent six days trapped 200 metres below ground, are currently being examined by doctors, reports Argentinean TN news.

State television showed them leaving the mine, each supported by two rescuers. They wore sunglasses.

The  rescued  miners are Jacinto Pariona (59) and his son Roger Pariona (32), Félix Cucho (41), Edwin Bellido (34), brothers Santiago and Juan Tapia (22 and 23), Carlos Huamaní (47), Jesús Capatinta (35) and Julio César Huayta.

Official figures show that 52 miners died in Peru during 2011 in work-related accidents, a third of them in mine shaft collapses.

(Photo: President Humala arrives to the site, Peruvian Television)

Watch them leaving the mine, Once Noticias reports:
