PDAC’s annual Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW)

From May 4 to 17, the seventh annual PDAC Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW) will take place in Sudbury. The workshop offers students an opportunity to learn about different aspects in the field of exploration.


Scott Jobin-Bevans, co-chair of the PDAC’s human resources development committee, which is organizing the workshop, “We design this event to attract students into the mineral exploration industry and to give them a technical and business perspective of mineral exploration that is not usually found in the classroom. We have run two workshops to date. Both have been very successful and the participating students have been incredibly enthusiastic. While it’s still too early to tell, of course, I predict that some of our future industry leaders will come out of these workshops.”

Image: S-IMEW 2012, courtesy of PDAC