Payday for Dubai’s gold-backed weight loss challenge

The results are in for Dubai’s gold-fueled weight loss challenge: Dieters who have been shedding pounds in exchange for gold grams stepped on the scales on Sunday to see how much they had earned.

In July municipal officials promised to give out one gram of the yellow metal per kilogram lost, provided the participant lose at least 2 kilograms (about 4.4 pounds) – this figure tripled for those who shed upwards of 22 pounds.

There were no payout limits as the city proved once again that it really is a big spender. The biggest loser among hundreds, according to the Associated Press, lost more than 48 pounds, earning himself $3,200 worth of gold.

The challenge is part of the Kingdom’s attempt at exposing the dangers and high prevalence of obesity – the The United Arab Emirates rank 7th in world-wide obesity rates.

Creative Commons image by: Milos Milosevic