Patents pour in for Novariant

International Mining

International Mining notes that Novariant, a leading provider of solutions for precision positioning and intelligent machine control systems, has seen a profusion of patent grants issued in the first quarter of 2008. “The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has approved the issuance of seven important patents for the company since January 1, 2008,” explains Dr. Michael O’Connor, Novariant CTO. “Patents are of utmost importance to us, since they provide the necessary protection for newly developed products or processes. We are in a new and rapidly developing industry which makes them even more key to our success.”

Most of the recent patents are related to land-based augmentation of GNSS systems, and include grants such as Signal Path System and Method for a Ranging Signal Receiver, Land-Based Transmission Position Determination, Land-Based Local Ranging Signal Methods & System, and Asynchronous Local Position Determination System & Method.

“Congratulations are in order to our terrific group of engineers, the inventors of this world-class technology. Novariant’s reputation is built on innovative technology and that innovation is embedded in our patents,” adds O’Connor.

“In the information age, intellectual property is one of the most important assets a company can have,” says Herb Satterlee, Novariant CEO. “There is a strong correlation between the successful pursuit of patents and the future growth of companies like ours that are developing cutting edge technologies for mining.”

The company’s precision solutions are enabled by the GPS and other patented location and communications-based technologies to automatically steer equipment and map terrain, among other tasks.