PANalytical introduces 3rd generation of industrial X-ray diffractometers

PANalytical (Almelo, the Netherlands) has launched CubiX3, the 3rd generation of its successful CubiX X-ray powder diffractometers range. Building on the company’s reputation for speed, reliability and reproducible analysis, the CubiX3 introduces new features such as high-intensity data collection as well as extra flexibility in sample handling for automated environments. X-ray diffraction has already reached significant importance as a process and production control method for powdered materials in many industries. Its initial investment is rapidly earned back because of the ease of operation, the independency of operators and the safety for the users, when compared to traditional methods like wet-chemical process control or microscopy methods. The CubiX3 range includes dedicated versions, tailored to the needs of those working in cement, minerals, pharmaceuticals or aluminium production.

Dr. Uwe König, Applications Specialist, XRD, highlighted the advantages of XRD analysis with the new CubiX3 range: “X-ray diffraction is recognized as the most efficient method of obtaining direct phase information for many types of materials. Results enable manufacturers to maintain consistency in the quality of their product while optimizing production speeds. CubiX3 is the fastest, most flexible and most accurate diffractometer available for production control. It yields a complete diffraction pattern up to 150 times faster than conventional detection technology”.

PANalytical was the first X-ray solutions provider to bring ‘walk-up’ functionality to its line of XRPD systems. The Walk-Up software available for CubiX3 enables a user with no knowledge of XRD to enter urgent samples at any time, even if the diffractometer is already processing a routine batch; and automatically receive a report of results with no user input to the analysis. The Walk-Up / CubiX3 combination provides the perfect analysis tool for multi-user environments.

The CubiX3 supports the full analytical X-ray powder analysis methodology from classical data analysis up to full pattern cluster analysis for statistical data interpretation and pass/fail determination.

For more information about CubiX3 visit