Cairns Fire and Rescue Service at the Forefront of Mine Training

Established in 2008, the unit’s courses have grown as fast as the resources sector. Three years ago, Training and Emergency Management ran three courses a year. This year they are undertaking 12-day courses involving up to 14 participants every six weeks. "We have bookings well into next year," TEM inspector-manager Queensland North Gavin Holden said.

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Safety Training Facility Opens in Brisbane

With two large air conditioned training rooms built to resemble real workplace conditions such as simulating confined space working conditions, providing electrical switchboards in a realistic setting, and offering a state of the art fire training simulator, a wide range of training courses like mining training are available to make sure that workers and employers are informed, updated, and adhering to the stricter government occupational safety legislation.

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Glacier acquires 50 percent interest in InfoMine

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Hunter Area Mining Projects Struggling for Workers

The region's TAFE colleges have recognised the issue and are gearing up their training courses to fill the need. They can't do this alone, however. Unfortunately, it appears that the commitment of coal companies to training local personnel may be a little patchy.

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EduMine and AIG on professional development

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Online Geologist Education Campus Created

The Australian Institute of Geologists (AIG) and EduMine will establish an 'online campus' which provides geologists access to development resources.

According to AIG president Andrew Waltho, "there are a wide range of courses available, covering technical topics spanning a variety of geoscientific fields, to issues becoming increasing important to geoscientists particularly in the exploration sector such as building relationships with community stakeholders and earning a social licence to operate.

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Arch Coal Donates $300K for Mine Safety Research at WVU

WVU's Academy for Mine Training and Energy Technologies trained nearly 10,000 miners last year. It offers certification courses for new miners and mine foremen, along with training in mine rescue, mine fire safety and emergency preparedness.

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New Condobolin Training Centre Boosts Employment Prospects for the Indigenous Community

Owned and managed by the Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation, the Indigenous Study Centre was built using local materials and local Indigenous labour, and will apply culturally-appropriate teaching methods to engage the local Aboriginal community and encourage participation in nationally-recognised vocational courses.

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Convergence Training Expands Health and Safety Training Course Library

Randy Kohltfarber, Convergence Training's General Manager, explains that the initiative to create more new courses than ever before is part of a long-term growth strategy. "We've made room in our very full production schedule to develop a range of safety training courses for two main reasons; first, to meet the demands of customers who are constantly complaining about the low quality training of other course producers and second, to expand the reach of our product line into new markets."

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