Orestone to start exploring copper-gold project in Chile

The Resguardo project. Photo by Orestone.

Orestone Mining (TSXV: ORS) has started exploration work on its Resguardo copper-gold porphyry project in northern Chile.

In a press release, Orestone said that a geophysical contractor has been mobilized to conduct a 10 line kilometre induced polarization/resistivity geophysical survey or IP at the property. 

The Resguardo project is located in the Middle Tertiary porphyry copper belt, which hosts Codelco’s El Salvador and Potrerillos mines

According to the company, the program will consist of 5 lines of 2 kilometres each designed to better define the presently identified IP chargeability anomaly and to test for a potential extension to the southwest. 

“The present IP chargeability anomaly has been defined by two lines over a 1000 metre strike length and a width of 300-600 metres starting at a depth of 200 metres with values of 15-30 mv/V,” the miner’s release states. 

The Resguardo project is located 90 kilometres northeast of the city of Copiapó and covers 29 square kilometres of mining concessions. 

Orestone reports that copper-gold mineralization at the property occurs as disseminations and fracture coatings within a 50-100 metre wide vertical fracture zone along a strike length of 1500 metres, open to the southwest.

Historically, copper and gold grading 1-2% and up to 0.60 g/t respectively were mined in a shallow open pit measuring 150 x 60 metres and several tunnels 50 metres below surface


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