Opponents of South Dakota uranium project demand more info

Opponents of South Dakota uranium project demand more info

The Dewey-Burdock mine would sit within an 11,000-acre site near Edgemont.

Critics of a proposed uranium mine in western South Dakota are requesting Powertech Uranium Corp (TSE:PWE) to publically release a detailed geological survey, which they say could show threats to local aquifers if the project is approved.

The bone of contention, according to the Clean Water Alliance, is that the planned Dewey-Burdock mine could pollute or drain the region’s water streams.

“The public, the parties and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have a most basic right to know what the company knows,” Black Hills Clean Water Alliance spokesperson Lilias Jarding told the Rapid City Journal Friday.

But Powertech’s President Dick Clement said that the information demanded would not explain how the uranium process at Dewey-Burdock would work.

He added the plan is to use a method that would pump groundwater into the ore deposits to dissolve the uranium. The water would be pumped back out, where the uranium would be extracted.

The Dewey-Burdock mine, which would sit within an 11,000-acre site near Edgemont, is expected to recover 1 million pounds of uranium annually for eight years.

The mine’s proponents argue the mine would create dozens of jobs and bring tax revenue to the state.