#OnlyinCanada: Homeless man helps recover lost diamond ring

Diamond Ring. Reference photo from Maxpixel.

A homeless youth who got a 14-carat gold ring with square-cut diamonds by mistake has returned the jewel to its owner.

Trinda Gajek, a nurse working in Nanaimo, British Columbia, had put the ring inside her wallet and lost it when she dumped all the change she had into the hands of the youth.

According to her account, which was reported on by CHEK News, the incident took place while she was waiting for her partner at the parkade of the hospital where she works and saw the young man wandering and looking a little lost. After offering her help and giving him some coins, she drove away. Later on, she remembered she had put the ring in the change compartment of her wallet.

The nurse shared the story with local media and, after learning about it, another homeless man, Raymond Ahlstrom, set out to help.

A veteran of the streets, Ahlstrom found the youth pretty quickly and recovered the ring. The young man had been keeping it safe in his water bottle.

The next day, Ahlstrom returned the gem, which lost a couple of diamonds on its journey through Nanaimo. However, the sentimental value of the piece remains intact. It was bought a few years ago by Gajek’s teenage children who pooled together their own money to buy their mom a ring she had seen at a jewelry store in Vancouver but could not afford.