‘Now is a very good time to buy’ – Ron Paul on gold

Ron Paul gave gold bugs a reason to smile this week, reiterating his confidence in the precious metal’s store of value.

Speaking from the Metals & Minerals conference in San Franciso, Paul spoke with Kitco’s Daniela Cambone.

“It may well have seen the bottom as far as I’m concerned,” Paul said. “And I think if anybody has a need to hold more gold, now is a very good time to buy.”

When asked about his preferred investments, the former politician said precious metals and properties are a safe bet – things you can “see and feel.”

“I like precious metals for the safety and security.”

Speaking about the new fed chairperson Janet Yellen, Paul says he doesn’t expect much to change and that if anything, QE will be slightly “worse.”

“She’s an aggressive inflater.”

Ron Paul’s interview with Kitco News
