Nova Scotia’s mining focus expands into critical minerals

Cape Forchu lighthouse at the entrance to Yarmouth harbour, closed to a vast lithium deposit. (Image: Dennis Jarvis | Flickr.)

As Canada plans how its mining sector can become a key provider of rare earths and other critical minerals and metals a greener world will need, the Mining Association of Nova Scotia (MANS) will be holding the Nova Scotia Precious and Critical Minerals Show on November 15-16, 2021.

“Nova Scotia has many exciting exploration projects in the precious and critical minerals space, including many that are essential to batteries and other green technologies,” said Sean Kirby, executive director of MANS.  “The Nova Scotia Precious and Critical Minerals Show will be an opportunity for investors and exploration and mining companies to learn about our potential for these important materials. It is widely known that Nova Scotia is in the middle of a gold rush, but we also have great potential for metals like lithium, indium, zinc and more.”

The free conference will be held the mornings of Monday and Tuesday, November 15-16 via Zoom, making it easy for industry and government representatives to participate from anywhere in the world.

Speakers will discuss early and late-stage exploration projects and the province’s geology for gold, lithium, tin, indium, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten and IOCG (iron oxide copper gold).

“Nova Scotia has been a mining jurisdiction for centuries,” said Kirby. “Our modern mining industry is environmentally-responsible, safe and has great infrastructure with roads, power and tidewater throughout the province,” said Kirby, “We have exciting geology and we want the jobs and investment mining brings.”

Canada is the only Western nation that has an abundance of cobalt, graphite, lithium, and nickel, that are essential to creating the batteries and electric vehicles of the future.


Hon. Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables

Government of Nova Scotia

Kevin Bullock, President & CEO
Anaconda Mining
Goldboro: Nova Scotia’s next gold mine

Donald Bubar, P. Geo
President, CEO and Director
Avalon Advanced Materials
East Kemptville Tin-Indium: Extracting critical minerals from historic mine wastes

Mark Haywood, B.Eng, LL.B.
President & CEO
ScoZinc Mining Ltd.
ScoZinc’s Scotia Zinc Mine

Billy Grace, P.Eng.
General Manager
Aureus Gold Inc.
Aureus Gold: On a Path to Production in Nova Scotia

Greg Collins, BSCE., P. Geo
Chief Operating Officer
Transition Metals
Highlands Gold

John Wightman, M.Sc., FGAC, P.Eng.
President & CEO, Champlain Mineral Ventures Ltd.
Brazil Lake – An Advanced Lithium Deposit
Kemptville Au/Mo Deposit

Ron Hawkes, President
Heraldry Gold Corporation
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Rick Horne, MSc, Project Owner
The Caledonia Tin-Tungsten Project

Terry Coughlan, P.Geo
Strategic Advisor
Spark Minerals Inc.
Exploring Nova Scotia’s potential for IOCG

Dan Kontak, PhD.
Full Professor, Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Laurentian University
Nova Scotia’s geology is favourable for critical metals

Diane Webber, P.Geo., FGC
Director, Geological Survey Division
Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
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