Not sure what to get Rob Ford this Christmas? Why not coal?

Toronto’s infamous crack-cocaine-smoking mayor Rob Ford is getting a big pile of Christmas presents this year.

On December 20, City Hall will be served a heap of coal, in honour of Ford and his headline-making antics.

Marketing firm Bob’s Your Uncle’s campaign ‘Rob Ford Coal’ gives $1 to a children’s charity for every lump of coal added to the pile – to a maximum of $5,000. Lumps are added on the website with one click.

Nearly one million pieces already make up the pile that Bob’s Your Uncle promises to dump in front of City Hall next week. It’s unclear how big each lump of coal is. It’s also unclear whether the product is thermal coal or coking coal. The latter seems more likely.

According to the Torontoist, the company will reveal on December 23 which charity will get the cash.