The New Democratic Party of British Columbia, the province’s likely next government if you look at the polls, seems to eschew profit in favour of redistribution.
The preamble of the party’s constitution states the following:
The principles of democratic socialism can be defined briefly as follows: a) the production and distribution of goods and services shall be directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people and not for profit, b) the modification and control of the operations of monopolistic productive and distributive organizations through economic and social planning, towards these ends, and c) where necessary, the extension of the principle of social ownership.
Tom Fletcher, legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press, raised the issue in his column Imagining an NDP government where he stated that the party “. . . still opposes all profit-making activity”.
Letters to the editor push back against the assertion.
“A more fair interpretation of the NDP constitution would be to say that “not all activity should be profit-making,” and that government’s chief concern should be “meeting the social and individual needs of people,” wrote Richard Koett.
What do you think? Leave a comment below or tell us on Facebook.
We have managed to recover from the Economic devastion from NDP Governments in 70’s and 90’s. Although our Economy tanked, the world was booming, except for small hiccup in Asia for couple years. Once we booted NDP in 90’s the Economic Engine fired up and we launched back into booming World Economy. Although it did take five years or so to become a have Province again.This time around will be a very different Story. if NDP wins, 4 years with their Economy killing anti Corporate, anti Profit, Pro regulation and pro Taxation Ideology destroying our Economy, there will be no booming world Economy to return to. You do not always get up from your knees after getting knocked down. I am all ready dredding the loss of jobs and increased tax’s if NDP win.
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David R. (Canada)
When the NDP led by Dave Barrett ran the province of BC in the early 1970s taxes on mining companies were raised so high they were effectively at 100%. Barrett was defeated in 1975 by the Social Credit Party. It took decades for BC to recover from the NDP years.
It’s hard to believe voters would elect the same idiots in again. The problem is, the younger voters are too young to remember the mess the NDP created.
The older voters with a memory have to get out and defeat them.
It is misleading to write that the same people who were governing thirty seven years ago would be leading the NDP in 2013. Organizations change as the faces and names change, only idiots would claim they don’t.
Dirtyharry Eastwood
The NDP is nothing more than the spawn of the CCF or Canadian Communist Federation as I like to call it. People that vote NDP need their head read!
Paul M.
As a mining professional during the last NDP government, I witnessed the devastation of resource industries. Compounding the damage, was the “social” programs aimed at increased spending on health care. However, I sat on charitable health care boards at the time, and watched the care delivery to our clients DECLINE. The only net benefit of their governance was increased spending on teacher salaries and nurses pay, through total penetration of the sectors by unions. This was a bold give-away. Last time around in the ’70s, I compared the devastation of our local economy to the populist experience in Argentina. That country has never recovered. Hopeful, the voters in BC will come to their senses soon enough. This new bunch is even more air-headed than the last.