Bloomberg interviewed Richard O'Brien, CEO of Newmont, on Friday who said gold could reach $2,000 in the next six months. O'Brien also said more certainty is needed around taxes and regulations before companies start hiring again. O'Brien said that the financial uncertainty in Europe and U.S.A. will probably drive gold to $2,000. O'Brien was asked about President Obama's $447 billion job plan announced on Thursday and what CEOs need to see before they start hiring again. " /> Bloomberg interviewed Richard O'Brien, CEO of Newmont, on Friday who said gold could reach $2,000 in the next six months. O'Brien also said more certainty is needed around taxes and regulations before companies start hiring again. O'Brien said that the financial uncertainty in Europe and U.S.A. will probably drive gold to $2,000. O'Brien was asked about President Obama's $447 billion job plan announced on Thursday and what CEOs need to see before they start hiring again. " /> Newmont CEO says gold going to $2,000 and Washington needs to do some work before CEOs start hiring again - MINING.COM

Newmont CEO says gold going to $2,000 and Washington needs to do some work before CEOs start hiring again

Bloomberg interviewed Richard O’Brien, CEO of Newmont, on Friday who said gold could reach $2,000 in the next six months. O’Brien also said more certainty is needed around taxes and regulations before companies start hiring again.

O’Brien said that the financial uncertainty in Europe and U.S.A. will probably drive gold to $2,000.

O’Brien was asked about President Obama’s $447 billion job plan announced on Thursday and what CEOs need to see before they start hiring again.

“I think CEOs really need to hear is that we are not looking at one-time job creation but an environment into which longer term job creation is a really possibility. And I think that happens with a couple of things. Regulations which work. I don’t think we mind being regulated at all, I think we just want to make sure that the regulations work. And I think we want regulations to work quickly,” said O’Brien.

O’Brien said that companies also need more certainty over the long-term tax environment.