New Dust Control Formulation Provides Numerous Benefits for the Environment

A new formula recently produced for dust control on unpaved roads and mine sites (above and below ground) has been made in a super concentrated blend, which provides significant environmental benefits. Dust Stop, a 100% environmentally friendly / biodegradable one-of  product produced by Cypher Environmental Ltd, has been perfected and globally proven in its most concentrated form to enable its users to utilize the product for dust suppression with as little environmental impact as possible. Dust Stop is one of the only such products on the market that is available in powder form, meaning that less energy and gas are required to both transport and apply the product. Many of the largest mines in the world use this one-of product as does the largest construction site on earth.  The positive logistical benefits that Dust Stop provides are not only the proven environmental benefits that the product renders, but Dust Stop’s superior dust control ability means less toxic particulate matter gets emitted into the environment.

Dust Stop is mainly applied to unpaved haul roads consisting of any soil type. A main concern with the use of unpaved roads is the dust that is produced by vehicular traffic. The dust that is produced as a result of the use of unpaved roads is of critical environmental concern because it represents hazardous air pollution and gets into surrounding water bodies, threatens nearby vegetation and is a health concern to people and animals who breathe in the particulate matter. The dust is also a concern because it poses a safety issue to those using the road due to the decreased visibility it causes and the huge maintenance costs to equipment. Dust Stop is designed to eliminate these serious threats by sealing in the dust so that it is not released into the environment.

Dust Stop is applied using standard equipment and is done in an easy one step process, which saves time, money and energy / fuel during its application. Dust Stop is the only truly environmentally friendly dust suppressant on the market that is effective at suppressing harmful dust and the product safely outperforms the toxic products that are in use today. Dust Stop will not run-off in the rain, is effective in dry weather, is applicable to any soil type and can withstand heavy traffic without diminishing its effectiveness.

The fact that Dust Stop is composed of all-natural organic ingredients allows the product to be applied in environmentally sensitive areas with no environmental threat and this aids all mining companies that are now being held liable by governments and environmnetal departments as well as health and safety regualations now in effect.  Dust Stop is not only effective as a dust suppressant on unpaved roads but can be utilized for dust control and erosion control and for a wide variety of other purposes such as stockpiles, embankments, waste control, haulage, landing strips and much more. For more information on the new concentrated Dust Stop please see & or contact us using the details listed below.

Todd Burns, Vice President                                              Tel: 204-489-1214 extension 102

Cypher Environmental Ltd.                                             Fax: 204-489-7372

391 Campbell Street, Winnipeg, MB    R3N 1B6                [email protected]
