New Book about Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation in Indiana

As reported on, the Indiana Geological Survey has published a book about reclamation of coal mines in Indiana. “Effects of abandoned mine land reclamation on ground and surface water quality: Research and case histories from Indiana” presents thirteen papers from research projects on the impact of reclamation methods on the quality of ground and surface water.

“This book is especially important as it will aid our work in the future to design efficient and effective remediation systems for the many square miles of abandoned mine lands that still require our attention,” said Bruce Stevens, director of the Reclamation Division of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

More than $131 million has been spent in Indiana on reclamation efforts at over 1,000 coal-mining sites. Studies conducted at Indiana mine sites and controlled lab experiments have produced considerable data and provide important information about what techniques are effective in converting barren abandoned mine lands to productive uses. Of major concern is reducing the outflow of acid mine drainage that leaches toxic metals from mine refuse into waterways.


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