Nearly 60% of Lonmin’s workers report to work

Troubled platinum miner Lonmin (LON:LMI) said that 57% of its workers turned up for work.

“Eastern Shafts are working this weekend, and we have 57 percent attendance across these shafts. The rest of the mine is closed as this is their off-weekend,” the company said in a statement in a report by AP.

In mid-August 44 people died in a melee outside the mine over a wage dispute.

The productivity levels of the mine are unclear. The company says it is attempting to work on a resolution with the remaining miners. South Africa’s Department of Labour is also involved and trying to settle the dispute.

Lonmin, the world’s third largest platinum miner, has 28,000 workers.

Since the massacre, Lonmin has dropped 7.91% to . Anticipating possible platinum shortages after the strike, spot platinum is up  10.74% over the last month to $1,554 /oz.