More balance in reports: reader

Trevor Marr, a reader, pushes back on’s oil sands’ coverage:

As a reader of this website, I would like to see more balance in reports.  I would like to see less National Enquirer tabloid stuff and more facts about improvements and innovations that are being made.  Emissions reductions, water reuse, Land reclamation, reforestation, tailings pond reductions, wildlife stewardship, there are so many things out there that are positive yet I see this site as an anti oilsands website, not any sort of responsible representation of what actually is going on in the modern Canadian oilsands industry.

We have 1/3 the worlds known reserves and we have greater emission standards and regulations than Middle East, Nigeria and Venezuela, we employ North Americans and our growth will employ many more, we effectively supply a World required product, why would we stop?

I would like to see stories about innovations, improvements, win-wins, achievements, not just misinformation and sensationalistic stories of he said, she said, but actual factual stories that help the oilsands get better and get recognition for it’s ethical efforts.

This is 2014 Canada and if you think others are doing a better and more responsible job than we are…. then shame on you!

Trevor Marr, P.Eng.

PS I have stated this several times within this site and have never received any positive response to this potentially Nation building issue.  Is tomorrow that day?

CORRECTION: Lede was changed. Trevor asked us to correct stating that “a general statement about the article topics that are presented within this site”, not the specific article by the Fraser Insistute.