Modular Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation

Modular Mining Systems, Inc., the leader in powerful information management solutions for mining operations worldwide, is proud to celebrate 30 years as a pioneer in the mining industry.

Three decades after opening its doors in 1979, Modular stands as the industry leader in fleet management technology, having installed systems at nearly 200 sites around the globe. “Over the past thirty years, Modular has had a revolutionary impact on the management of mining equipment fleets, initially with the DISPATCH system and more recently with integrated enterprise asset management solutions,” said Peter Carter, President and CEO. “Modular has adapted and grown with these changes, and we remain committed to delivering innovative products that fulfill the needs of our customers.”

The DISPATCH® system – available in eight languages – is currently running at over 140 active sites. Among these are nine of the ten most producing sites in the world and four of the five largest fleets. For more information, and to see the new website launched in conjunction with the anniversary, please visit