Minting $2 trillion of platinum coins to sidestep the debt crisis

The United States Congress still can’t pass legislation to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, but a Yale Law professor suggests that President Obama could sidestep lawmakers and ensure that bills keep getting paid by minting platinum coins—about $2 trillion worth.

Writing for CNN, law professor Jack Balkin outlines three ways that President Obama could keep paying the bills while congress dithers.

He hypothesizes that minting platinum coins is one of them:

Sovereign governments such as the United States can print new money. However, there’s a statutory limit to the amount of paper currency that can be in circulation at any one time.

Ironically, there’s no similar limit on the amount of coinage. A little-known statute gives the secretary of the Treasury the authority to issue platinum coins in any denomination. So some commentators have suggested that the Treasury create two $1 trillion coins, deposit them in its account in the Federal Reserve and write checks on the proceeds.

Incidentally, $2 trillion could purchase about 1.1 million oz of platinum.

Picture of the American Platinum Eagle, the official platinum bullion coin of the United States


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