Minova readies itself for world markets

World rock-bolting leader Minova has undergone a major restructuring following its acquisition by Orica in late 2006. Further strategic acquisitions into Minova since then which have significantly enhanced the company’s service offering.

Minova will now function as three separate regions, each with its own CEO and responsible for its own territorial and business development. However, the regions will each be able to tap into the Group’s international industry experience and share information and best practice for the benefit of customers.

The new EMEA region comprises Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, North Africa and the Middle East. The Americas region includes Canada, the USA and Latin America. Finally, the new APA (Asia Pacific & Africa) region is made up of Australia, China, India, southeast Asia and South Africa.

Minova CEO Michael Reich commented: “The new regional structure is integral to our aim of offering the complete product package for adaptable rock bolting solutions and improving our support for all mining operations globally. As a truly global organisation operating regionally, we can react rapidly to customer needs, drawing on our international experience to provide solutions which satisfy local legislative requirements, whatever the problem and location.” www.minovainternational.com