Mining in America more dangerous than policing, statistics show

Working in a mine is more dangerous than being a police officer in America, according to the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS said disasters at a coal mine in West Virginia and aboard an oil rig operated by British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico again made mining one of the most dangerous American jobs in 2010, Reuters reported on Thursday:

In private mining, fatal work injuries rose 74%to 172 in 2010 from 99 a year earlier, according to the government agency’s census of deaths.

Fatality rates for mining rose to 19.9 in 2010 from 12.4 in 2009 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers.

Policing, by contrast, is also getting more dangerous, with the number of fatalities rising by 40% from 96 in 2009 to 134 in 2010; 57 of the deaths involved highway accidents while 48 were homicides, Reuters said.

It was, indeed, an exceptionally bad year for mining and oil industry calamities in the United States.The Deepwater Horizon explosion killed 11 workers and resulted in the worst oil leakage into the ocean in history, while the accident at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia caused the deaths of 29 miners and dealt mine owner Massey Energy a blow from which it would never recover. The accident resulted  in several lawsuits against Massey, led to the resignation of the company’s CEO Don Blankenship, and the sale of Massey to Alpha Natural Resources.