Mining finally arrives: Boy Scout merit badge approved

merit badge for mining scouts Boy scouts who demonstrate knowledge mining knowledge can now be rewarded with a merit badge.

On Friday the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) said that it has obtained formal approval to develop a program that will reward scouts with a Mining in Society Merit Badge. The society had been advocating for the badge for over a decade

Some of the subject areas a Scout will have to understand are “. . . focus on the importance of mining and its key components of exploration, permitting, extraction, processing, production, safety and reclamation. ”

The badge will get a pre-launch and introduction at the 2013 National BSA Jamboree at The Summit in Bechtel, West Virginia, July 15 – 24, 2013.

Here is the SME’s full news release.

“Mining in Society” Boy Scout Merit Badge in Development

The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) is extremely pleased to announce that it has obtained approval to be the lead organization for the development of a new Boy Scout Merit Badge. The “Mining in Society” Merit Badge will focus on the importance of mining and its key components of exploration, permitting, extraction, processing, production, safety and reclamation.

After almost a decade of advocacy, SME is now moving forward to develop a factual and comprehensive program of instruction to motivate Scouts to fulfill all of the requirements necessary to earn this badge.

“This project has become a mission of many of our members and industry partners,” said SME Executive Director David L. Kanagy. “We are thrilled with the opportunity to turn this dream into a reality.”

Part of the pre-launch of this badge will be its introduction at the 2013 National BSA Jamboree at The Summit in Bechtel, West Virginia, July 15 – 24, 2013. The Summit is the new permanent home for the Jamboree, and is located on reclaimed former coal mining property. SME will send 20 volunteers to interact with more than 50,000 Scouts, Venturers, volunteers and staff from throughout the United States to introduce them to the new merit badge. The formal launch of the Mining in Society Merit Badge will take place in February 2014 at the SME Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. SME is committed to meeting the rigorous requirements of the BSA in developing this significant badge, and to ensure that it meets the fundamental requirements of the merit badge program: to allow Scouts to examine a variety of subjects to help determine what path they would like to pursue as a career.

SME is a professional society (nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation) whose nearly 15,000 members represent all professions serving the minerals industry in more than 100 countries. SME members are engineers, geologists, metallurgists, educators, students and researchers. SME advances the worldwide minerals community through information exchange and professional development.

For more information contact John Hayden, Deputy Executive Director – Public Affairs and Government Relations, (303) 948-4250 or [email protected].

Creative Commons image by Beth Naeyaert Snow