MINERAL ID: New field spectrometers from Spectral Evolution

OreXpert (Credit: Spectral Evolution)

Spectral Evolution will introduce the oreXplorer and oreXpert portable field spectrometers at this year’s PDAC convention in Toronto. The rugged units allow real-time mineral analysis.

The company’s portable spectrometers and EZ-ID mineral identification software allow users to identify over 1,100 minerals within seconds for more efficient exploration programs.

In the core shack, users can map alteration and minimize unnecessary assays, reduce time spent logging core and build a digital archive of the results.

The units are designed for field work with a rugged chassis, no moving optical parts and a metal-clad, field-replaceable fiber optic cable.

They feature one-touch operation with auto-dark current and auto-exposure. The spectrometers are Bluetooth-enabled and also support USB connectivity.

The following spectrometer models are available for mining applications:

  • The oreXpress, allowing quick and reliable mineral analysis with a standard resolution of 3 nanometres;
  • The higher-resolution oreXplorer, with higher resolution and sensitivity; and
  • The oreXpert, the highest-resolution field spectrometer on the market, which allows the distinction of trace minerals and features that help with mineral unmixing.

The company’s selection of probes and light sources allows users to analyze minerals in a variety of forms, including core samples, chips and powders.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)