Mine blast kills two in Colorado

Revenue-Virginius mine | Image from Silver Star Resources

A mine blast has killed two workers and injured at least 20 in Ouray, Colorado, the Denver Post reports. 

A recovery operation is underway to retrieve the bodies which are reported to be trapped underground.

The accident occurred early Sunday morning at the Revenue-Virginius silver mine, owned by Silver Star Resources.

Ouray News reports that the injuries were a result of miners breathing in gases and chemicals in the air following a blast. The mine manager told the local news organization that a “powder smoke incident” triggered the accident.

The mine employs about 100 people and began production earlier this year, according to Watch Newspaper. The historic mine extends  two miles into the mountainside.

Watch also reported that as of August work was progressing “feverishly, with three shifts of miners working 20 hours a day, seven days a week, and surface workers putting in 10-hour days, five days a week.”