Milwaukee Mayor Visits Bucyrus Machines in China

On October 16th Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA and Mr.Tim Sheehy, President of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Associate of Commerce were hosted on a mine tour by Bucyrus and its largest customer in China, Shenhua Zhungeer Energy Co.. They were there to see first-hand the major surface mining products produced by Bucyrus in the State of Wisconsin and used at China’s largest surface mines.

Bucyrus President and CEO Tim Sullivan led the delegation accompanied by key management personnel of Zhungeer Energy on tours of both the Hei Dai Gou mine, where a huge Bucyrus 8750 dragline operates, and the new Haerwusu mine where four new 495HR shovels are in operation loading the world largest off highway mining trucks.

Shown in the photo, Tim Sullivan is describing the inner workings of the world’s most advanced dragline operating today, the Bucyrus model 8750-AC walking dragline. It is the first large dragline in China and is equipped with gearless hoist and drag drives.

This was Mayor Tom Barrett’s first visit to a surface mine and he was impressed by the size of the Bucyrus equipment in operation. During the visit he heard much about the importance of coal in China and the critical role Bucyrus plays in the power generation sector of China. At a special luncheon arranged by Zhungeer, Mayor Barrett was toasted with true Chinese hospitality and in particular by Mr. A. Mu the Mayor of Zhungeer who joined the luncheon…..Gambei! (Cheers) to both cities of Milwaukee and Zhungeer!

Special thanks to Zhungeer and our Zhungeer Branch Manager Diao Lijun for an excellent outing to showcase our products….for more information, visit