Mexican mine wages from the 2013 CostMine survey

Mexico miner hat

In a previous posting I reported on Mexican mine salaries. Here are some numbers on wages at mines in Mexico.

The full details are available from Cost Mine and their Mexican Mine Wages, Salaries and Benefits 2013 Survey Results.

Some average hourly rates in US dollars per hour for wages at mines in Mexico:

  • Electrician = 17.43
  • Mechanic = 13.19
  • Miner = 20.79
  • Driller = 21.61
  • Loader Operator = 33.19
  • Truck Driver = 22.12
  • Assay Helper = 22.12
  • Lub Truck Operator = 12.78
  • Groundwater System Operator =4.49
  • Crane Operator = 6.35
  • Janitor = 5.45
  • Laborer = 6.68

Wages vary greatly from mine to mine.  Here are some wage ranges (US$/hour)  for a specific mine (unnamed):

  • Mine maintenance planner = 6.70 to 13.4
  • Mechanic = 2.17 to 9.38
  • Welder =3.8 to 6.25
  • High End Operator = 3.28 to 4.36
  • Sample Prep Man = 2.17 to 2.65

I am not sure what a High End Operator does, but the wage is low as are most of the wages by comparison with the US or Canada.

Not sure how they scale relative to the cost of living, but it is no wonder folk come across the border to work.

For more from Jack Caldwell, see his blog, I Think Mining

Photo: Karen Katrjyan / Shutterstock