Metso to convert coal boiler to biomass-fired boiler for Dalkia in Poland

Metso will convert a pulverized coal boiler to a biomass-fired boiler for Dalkia Łódź S. A. in Poland, raising renewable energy production for Dalkia’s plant in Łódź. The total value of the order is over EUR 15 million. The order is included in Energy and Environmental Technology’s Q3 orders received.

The conversion of the coal boiler to a biomass boiler is enabling Dalkia to contribute to Poland’s energy policy and will supply green power to the national electric grid and district heating systems to the city of Łódź. The commercial operation for the new biomass-fired boiler is planned for December 2011.

The order emphasizes Metso´s strong capability as a full-scope supplier of bioenergy solutions, and accentuates Metso’s service expertise in conversion and modernization of existing power plants. Modification of the current boiler includes pressure parts, fuel and ash handling and installation. Complete automation of the boiler island includes the process automation system, emission monitoring and reporting, instrumentation and electrification retrofit.

Dalkia Łódź S. A. is a member of Dalkia Group, a leading provider of energy services for local authorities, public institutions, industry and businesses. Dalkia operates 176 biomass facilities worldwide, with a combined capacity of 3,135 MW and 664 MW, and consuming 1.8 million metric tons of biomass.

Metso is a global supplier of sustainable technology and services for mining, construction, power generation, automation, recycling and the pulp and paper industries. We have about 27,000 employees in more than 50 countries.