CHARTS: Australia, Canada met coal outlook OK. US not so much

In contrast to thermal coal, the price of metallurgical coal price has recovered from steep declines during the first half of 2013.

Benchmark Australian premium coking coal traded for $151 a tonne on Thursday, up from multi-year lows of $131 at tonne struck in early July .

At the Coal Association of Canada conference now happening in Vancouver BC, analyst Joe Aldina of Wood Mackenzie had some more good news for (most) people in the industry.

A further pick up in demand for coking coal is expected for the next 12 years:

Met coal exporters can successfully take on Chinese producers:

Canada’s high-quality met coal is expensive to mine, but still competitive:

Australian exporters have been helped out by the slide in the A$

But US exporters will continue to lose money even as the price climbs from recent lows: